2 Corinthians 10:5 (New Living Translation)
We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ

This counter is for you to know
that you're not alone.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Things have been better

Well, a lot has been going on in my life recently. That's why I've yet again been delayed on my posts. I really am sorry about that.

I've had a lot of stress and pain in my life recently and I slipped a couple of days ago. I went out and bought a playboy. I'm really upset at myself, but I've asked God for forgiveness and am trying to move on and set a new goal. I'm setting my goal for 3 months. That means I'm going to try to not seek out any pornographic material until 2/27/2007. I have to make sure I don't think of this as permission to look at porn on 2/27. Sometimes my head will go in that direction. I would like to ask that you out there will pray with me about keeping and reaching this goal.

Do any of you have goals out there? Would you like to set a goal? Email me or comment on the blog and I'd be happy to help in anyway, or if you have a goal comment and let us know what it is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No goals here. Just taking it one day at a time, trying to quit permanently. I do try to beat the record time I have gone without porn, but ultimately that doesn't solve my case.

Be blessed, brother. Hope and pray you keep it up!

12/12/2006 4:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Jim.
I don't really know what to say. I found your site because I was googling for advice on my spouse and porn. I can't thank you enough for your comments that I found. I was leaning more towards leaving my husband before I found them. It's so encouraging--please don't stop blogging. I really need to hear what you have to say. Yikes. This hurts so much. My husband just turned 22 and his story sounds EXACTLY like yours. I understand what it's like to deal with my own lust and sex drive, but it's very hard to think of staying with someone when I've seen what he's looked at. Even though I believe him that he still loves me, my heart is breaking, over and over. I wonder how he can respect me or anyone else as a human being, since he is so obviously not respecting the women he's looked at. I know that for myself, when I let lust rule my life, it was a cold, gray, comfortless road.
I just was in Blockbuster with my sister and passed a video box with a half-naked guy on the front in a sensual pose. HE WASN'T EVEN naked, and I had a strong lustful response (I haven't had a problem in a long time). I have admitted my disrespect and lust to GOD, but I also turned back and covered the body with my hands and looked at the eye of the man. It's obvious he was posed a certain way to get attention, but by focusing on his eye, I focused on this Joe Schmoe as a person, and that was very freeing. I have to not feel bad about my physical response to sex, but instead about my actions (how I often don't keep myself from getting aroused when it's not my husband like I should, how I don't respect people and just treat them as objects instead). No wonder it's such an unfulfilling lifestyle--we take out the love that makes the orgasms better. God wants us to have the best, that's why having intimate, passionate, pleasant sex with our spouses doesn't leave us feeling empty like lust does.

1/02/2007 1:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, setting goals have never worked. I end up getting in pride and attributing the success to myself. Instead I am approaching this time totally different. First one day at a time. If I can do it for one day, I can do another and another and so on. Also I just realized something - I can only succeed if and only if I depend on God. I understand there is a God side and a Man side. But if I understand I need God to deliver me which he has done then I understand all my temptations are lies and deceptions. I think the greatest things you can do as a person is: Guard your gates - eyes and ears diligently, truly ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself, find someone you can be accountable to, and most important spend time with the Lord. "... Pray without ceasing...". Prayer is just communication. So basically keep meditating and thinking about the word. Sing praises all day. Play christian music. Basically all these help build your resistance. Think about it, we are the way we are as a result of our environment. So we need to control or change our environment.

7/18/2007 9:26 PM

Anonymous escort service amsterdam said...

I found your site because I was googling for advice on my spouse and porn. I can't thank you enough for your comments that I found. I was leaning more towards leaving my husband before I found them. It's so encouraging--please don't stop blogging. I really need to hear what you have to say. Yikes. This hurts so much. My husband just turned 22 and his story sounds EXACTLY like yours

5/05/2011 3:12 PM

Anonymous escort service amsterdam said...

I found your site because I was googling for advice on my spouse and porn. I can't thank you enough for your comments that I found. I was leaning more towards leaving my husband before I found them. It's so encouraging--please don't stop blogging. I really need to hear what you have to say. Yikes. This hurts so much. My husband just turned 22 and his story sounds EXACTLY like yours

5/05/2011 3:14 PM

Anonymous Greg said...

This is a great blog, there are a lot of people who need this support.I've had my struggles in this area

2/08/2012 2:41 AM


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