Wow! I just checked back at the counter and it's at almost 1200 hits. I had no clue that so many people came to this site. I don't know if that's good or bad. I guess it's good that so many people are seeking help rather than letting this problem take hold of their life. I feel even more guilty now about my lack of updates. I know in the past that I made some promises about updating that I didn't keep and I'm sorry. Now, I'm back in school full time and working full time. Because of this I'm even more busy than before. I'm not going to promise about updates anymore. I will promise you that I will check the comments and my emails at least once per week, and I will update as I have time. I always answer my email. Always. It may be a day, or two, or a week, but I will write back if you send me something. iamaddicted2porn@gmail.com
An update about me:
Like I said, I'm working full time and going to school full time, so I don't have a lot of extra time! This has been good for my addiction because I really don't have extra time to feed it. The wrench in that is, I work overnight by myself and I have about four hours of my shift to do whatever I want. Such as, using my laptop with wireless internet. In fact, I'm using it right now. I try to fill in my time here at work to do homework. After all, that's the reason I got this job. However, there are days and weeks that I don't have much homework. That's when things start to become a struggle. Compounded with that, because of my wife's work schedule I don't get to see her very often. That means not much sex. No, that is not only thing I miss, but it does play a huge factor in how I'm doing with my pornography addiction. I catch myself trying to use lack of sex as an excuse, and It has worked several times.
Things have been pretty rough, but overall, I think my addiction has taken a turn for the better right now.
A word about Halloween:
Halloween is just a couple days away and for those of us with porn and other sexual addictions it can be a dangerous holiday. The trend for adults over the past few years is to dress up a naughty_____. This day has become an excuse for women to run around in lingerie and an excuse for men to ogle them. If you have an addiction and could be adversely affected by that, then think of an alternative place to go for your Halloween party.
I found your page about a week ago while starting my own blog about my recovery as the wife of a long time porn addict. Your story touched me deeply, as I can see much of my husbands struggle in yours. I met my husband when we were 15, we've been together for about 15 years now, married 9. We have three wonderful children together and a very rocky and sometimes devestating relationship. Unlike you my husband has no faith in Jesus, he was not raised in a god loving home and started using porn when he was only 11. I did not find out about his use until 6 months before we married, I found a stash of tapes in his paint cabinet. We fought and cried and rationalized for the next few years... He lied about his use until faced with proof, and has for the most part continued to do so. We have been almost full circle with this issue, tried most everything or at least I have. We've been to counceling of every kind, had Internet monitors, gone to 12 step programs, I even took the kids and left him for a year. But in the end he has always turned back to porn. He says he loves me, and I know he does, but durring his relapses it does not feel that way. He has hurt me everyway you can imagine in this battle. He has destroyed any trust we may have had, and his own esteem in the process. I am only begining to understand that this problem may never be "fixed" and he may never stop completely. Although I love him with all my heart I don't know how I can survive anymore of the lies and betrayals. I know that this is not about his love for me and has nothing to do with how he sees me, but it will always FEEL that way. I don't know if I can do this for the rest of my life, I don't know if I want to. On the other hand, I don't think I could ever leave him to fight this on his own, he is mine and I am his. In fact we are being tested again right now, he has left in shame but he will be back, I just don't know if I can be there when he comes. Even now I don't think he understands just how deeply this hurts me, how my recovery from this is just as difficult as his. You mentioned that you remember every hurtful thing she said to you, well I certainly hope you keep what was important her pain and throw the rest out. I pray for the two of you now, esspecially since your last post was 3 years ago. I pray your still together and your still struggling, as it is a lifelong struggle. Godbless and keep posting!
5/09/2010 3:06 PM
Are you addicted and want to stop watching porn - help yourself.
6/07/2010 7:47 PM
Dude, I also started the same site a few months ago and I also got overwhelming visits. You have to keep at it. If you don't actualize this dream, God might give it to someone else. Please, never give up the encouragement man. May a ring of fire surround you in Jesus name so that the attacks of the enemy may not penetrate through to you.
9/29/2010 12:22 AM
Porno can be extremely addictive. Infact, I'm so glad that I came across an actual doctor that can help me get through this. Sure, the bible helps out a lot as well but even if you are not religious, this guy really knows what he is talking about. PLEASE check out this web site! It really can change your life. I promise!
Just copy and paste it into your search browser! Thanks again and God bless all of you!
2/06/2011 1:52 AM
glad to hear that. I remember when I was stuck with the addiction and let me tell you, it wasn't funny or easy. I'm glad its over now though. keep going at it, its worth it!!
3/13/2011 7:56 PM
God bless you !
4/18/2011 4:10 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
5/03/2011 7:58 PM
being porn is not a bad thing i9 feel to.if it is bad thing so how u got that much visitors on your blog its really a good porn blog have good porn story i hope we find more good story in future there
Pussy Videos
5/03/2011 8:01 PM
I found your site because I was googling for advice on my spouse and porn. I can't thank you enough for your comments that I found. I was leaning more towards leaving my husband before I found them. It's so encouraging--please don't stop blogging. I really need to hear what you have to say. Yikes. This hurts so much. My husband just turned 22 and his story sounds EXACTLY like yours
5/05/2011 3:13 PM
Good to see people helping each other overcome this addiction. I started a blog with my story. www.familyprestige.blogspot.com Thanks for you thoughts.
8/14/2011 10:20 PM
Hey Jim,
I was just wondering how you're holding up with your porn addiction - it's been years since you last posted, are you a sexually free man now?
10/27/2011 1:40 AM
Hey! Just found your blog, I started one for women!
12/14/2011 12:49 PM
Nice post please check my adult tube site www.mrkinkys.com
1/29/2012 9:07 AM
2/01/2012 11:31 PM
Hey Bro Like the site has some good stuff.
I was disapointed that someone has posted a link to Pussy Videos and there is a comment posted by amsterdam escorts.
Hope you doing well and kicking the habbit.
2/04/2012 8:35 AM
Dude, there's nothing wrong with a little bit of porn
4/06/2012 3:35 AM
It's true, keeping yourself busy and diverting your strength onto more productive tasks will help you to fully recover. Being married to a recovering porn addict under the GreatnessAhead program, this idea works well not only for my husband but for me as well. Though my hubby is doing better now, I admit that a part of me was shattered on the discovery and during the process. Whenever I'm alone, doing nothing, the past just haunts me and it's paralyzing. I am more looking forward to a day where I'd get to face so many tasks versus those moments where I'd think about the deceit in the past... Hope that you're doing better than ever these days.
11/09/2014 2:25 PM
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